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SONG Ying:

Associate Professor, Law School, Peking University

Research Intererts:

International Environmental Law

European Union Law


1979-1983, B.A.    Department of English, Beijing International Studies University

1986-1989, LL.M.  Law School, Peking University

1989-1993, Ph.D.  Law School, Peking University

1992-1993, LL.M.  European University Institute in Italy

Working Experiences:

1993-Now, Associate Professor, Law School, Peking University

1983-1986, Teacher, Beijing International Studies University



2. Michael Faure & Song Ying eds. China and International Environmental Liability - Legal Remedies for Transboundary Pollution, Edward Elgar, 2008.

3. 《环境与资源保护法学》(2013年版)(参编教材3.3万字)(汪劲主编),北大出版社2013年5月版


5. International Environmental Law(独著英文专著),中国环境出版社2015年10月版

6.“International Legal Aspect of the Songhua River Incident”, in Michael Faure & Song Ying eds. China & International Environmental Liability, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Oct. 2008.

7.“EU and China: Pursuit of Sustainable Development”, in Paulo Canelas de Castro ed. The European Union at 50: Assessing the Past, Looking Ahead, Universidade de Macau, 2009.

8.“China & International Protection of Marine Environment”, in M. Faure & Han Lixin eds. Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy: China, Europe and the US, Kluwer International, 2010 (forthcoming).

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