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SHEN Tiyan


SHEN Tiyan:

Professor, School of Government

Tel: +86-10-62759929,62758811,62757133

Fax: +86-10-62758811

E-mail: tyshen@pku.edu.cn

Add: School of Government, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P.R. China

Homepage: http://www.sg.pku.edu.cn/en/people/faculty/departmentofurbanandregionalmanagement1/1214691.htm


1988-1992, B.A., Wuhan University

1994-1997, M.A., Peking University

1997-2000, Ph.D., Peking University

Research Interests:

Urban and Regional Complexity and Dynamics

Systematic Urban and Regional Planning

Spatial Econometrics and Planning Support System

Teaching Courses:

Urban and Regional Planning

Theories and Practices of Regional Development

Strategic Management

Electronic Government

Advanced City Management

Public Resource Market Design

Urban Simulation

Digital Cities and Urban Informatization

Space Econometrics

Space Data Science

Professional Experiences:

Associate Dean, Beijing Development Institute

Executive Dean, PKU Institute of Urban Governance

AssociateDirector, the Academic Committee of School of Government

Executive Deputy Director, China Research Center for Urban and Regional Economics

Double Hired Professor, Center for Computational Science & Engineering and Peking University Institute of Ocean Research

Professional Affiliations:

Member of Smart city of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

Member of Committee of Experts of Land and Resources Informatization of Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China

Deputy Director of the Regional Science Association of China

Director of China Economic and Social Council

Vice director and Secretary General of Committee of Research on Sharing Economy and Innovation Network of Chinese Social and Economic Systems Analysis Research Association

Deputy Secretary General of Committee of Research on Government Strategy and Public Policy of Chinese Academy of Management

Standing Director of China Cloud OS Pioneer Strategic Alliance

Researcher of Institute of People's Livelihood in China

Researcher of Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy

Expert of Advisory Group of Experts of National Geoinformation Survey

Member of Advisory Group of Experts of Rizhao Municipal Development Commission of Rizhao Municipal People's Government

Researcher of the Yangtze River Economic Strategy Research Center

Engineer of Geomatics Center of Beijing Municipal Commission for City Planning

Visiting Scholar of University of Hawaii, Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and East and West Center

Selected Publications:

1.Spatial Econometrics, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2010 (With Feng Dengtian and Sun Tieshan)

2. Fuzzy urban sets: theory and application to desakota regions in China. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design, volume 30(2), p239-254, 2003(With E.J.Heikkila and Kaizhong Yang),SSCI.

3. Evaluation of Plan Implementation in the Transitional China:A Case of Guangzhou City Master Plan, CITIES, Volume28(1), p11-27, 2010 (With Li Tian), SSCI.


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