YU Jingsong:
Associate Professor
E-mail: YJS@ss.pku.edu.cn
Add: School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, P.R. China
2003.09-2004.12 Master, School of Information Studies, University of Pittsburgh
1999.09-2002.02 Master, Department of Information Management, Peking University
1989.07-1993.12 Bachelor, College of Optical Science and Engineering
Professional Experiences:
2007.09-now Vice Dean, Department of Language Information Engineering, School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University
2005.09-now began to work in the School of Software and Microelectronics of Peking University
2003.01-2005.01 System Librarian, Network and Library Automation Project Group, East Asia Library, University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests:
Natural Language Processing and Software Engineering
Information Retrieval
Computer Aided Education
Electronic Publishing and Digital Library Technology
Selected Publications:
1. The Building of a comprehensive toponym corpus for Chinese information processing,LiuQiang, Yu, Jingsong; Wang Huilin, Source: ICIC , Express Letters, v4, n5, 2013, Ei indexed
2. Finding community structure in social network of Renren, Fan, Chao; Yu, Jingsong*, Source: ICIC Express Letters, v7, n5, p 1693-1698, 2013, Ei indexed
3. Automatic extraction of multiword expressions combining statistical and similarity approaches, Xu, Jian; Yu, Jingsong*; Wang, Huilin Source: Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2010, p 256-259, 2010, Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2010, Ei indexed
4. Collocation Extraction Using Square Mutual Information Approaches, Huarui Zhang, Yongwei Zhang and Jingsong Yu, International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, vol2,no.1, pp.22-26, 2011.
5. Extracting Multiword Translation Equivalents Using Hybrid Strategy,Shasha Zhu, Jingsong Yu*, International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, vol2,no.2, pp.14-22, 2011.
6. Automatic extraction of multiword expressions combining statistical and similarity approaches, Xu, Jian; Yu, Jingsong*; Wang, Huilin, Source: Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2010, p 256-259, 2010, Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2010, Ei indexed
7. 计算机辅助翻译硕士专业教学探讨,俞敬松,王华树,《中国翻译》, Vol. 3, 2010, P40-44
8. 多人数互動口語協調性談話策略的定量化分析-漢日跨文化語言教学平台的開発, 砂岡和子, 俞敬松,《数字化漢语教学専題研究2009--新模式,新方法,新技術,新産品》, ISBN: 9787302215868, Tsinghua University Press, 2010
9. 汉日跨文化错误传播多媒体语料库的建设-文化误传现象的定量化研究方法, 砂冈和子, 俞敬松, 第六届中文电化教学国际研讨会,韩国又松大学研讨会论文集《数字化汉语教学进展与深化》, Korea, 2010におけるNSとNNSの協調学習の数量的表示と判定基準,砂岡和子,俞敬松,高媛媛,言語処理学会第15回年次大会(NLP2009)異言語ビデオ会議, 2009
10. Ensemble of RFR_SUM unigram and bigram for Chinese WSD,Qu, Weiguang; Yu, Jingsong; Zhou, Junsheng; Shao, Yanqiu; Li, Sujian; Sui, Zhifang, Source: Journal of Computational Information Systems, v3, n5, p1867-1874, October 2007, Ei indexed