Associate Dean, Department of Economics
Telephone: 62753224
E-mail: nk94zhang@pku.edu.cn
Research Field: 100871
Education Background:
2006 Ph.D. in Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
1996.7 BS in Applied Chemistry, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China
Work Experience:
1996.8-2001.8 Shangrao Bureau of Science and Techonology, Jiangxi Province
2006.7-2008.6 Post Doctor at China Center for Economic Research, Peking University (CCER)
2006.9-2007.7 Post Doctor at Center for International Development, Harvard University (Harvard's CID)
2006.9-2007.7 Visiting Scholar at National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
2008.6-2010.7 Assistant Professor at School of Economics Peking University
2010.8- Present Associate Professor at School of Economics Peking University
Referee of International Economic Review
Referee of Review of Economics and Statistics (Published under the Auspices of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)
Referee of China Economics Quarterly (in Chinese).
Referee of World Economy (in Chinese)
Research Interests:
Economic growth theory
Development economics
Contract theory
Ecological economics
Regional economics
Land economics
Real-estate economics
Resource economics
Introduction of China's environment
Industrial Structure, Appropriate Technology and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries, (with Justin Yifu Lin), presented at the 2009 World Bank Conference on Development Strategy and Economic Growth.
Factor Endowment, Development Strategy, and Economic Institution in Developing Countries, (with Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Shiyuan Pan), presented at the 2006 AEA/CES joint session on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in China, Jan 2006.
Appropriate Technology, Technology Choice and Economic Performance in Developing Countries, (with Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Yi Qian), presented at Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, Dec 2005
Development Strategy, Viability, and Economic Institution: A case of China, (with Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Shiyuan Pan), presented at 17-18 June 2005 WIDER Jubilee Conference on the Future of Development Economics, June 2005.
Honors and Awards:
Deficit Estimation and Welfare Effects after the 1994 Fiscal Reform in China, China and World Economy (with Victor Shih), Vol. 16, No. 3, May-June, 2008, pp. 22-39.
Development Strategy, Viability, and Economic Institution: A case of China, (with Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Shiyuan Pan), in George Mavrotas and Anthony Shorrocks eds, Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics, Foreword by Amartya Sen, Ch 27, pp. 518-530.
Appropriate Technology, Technology Choice and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, China Economics Quarterly (with Justin Yifu Lin, in Chinese), Vol. 5, No 5, July, 2006.
Advantage of latter comers, Technology Import, and Economic Growth in Lagging Countries, China Economics Quarterly (with Justin Yifu Lin, in Chinese), Vol. 5, No 1, Nov 2005