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LEI Ming

LEI Ming:


Dean of Institute of Poverty Research, Peking University




Professor Lei Ming is a Full Professor and Chair of Department of Management Science & Information Systems, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Dean,Institute on Poverty Research, Peking University. Visiting Professor of The University of Edinburgh. And he has been an Associate Professor of Donated Chair by KENSAI Power of Japan,Graduated School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan in 1998, President elect of Asia Pacific DSI, Fellow of Ministry of Education of China in 2006-, Fellow of Chinese Environmental Science Society in 2009-, Fellow of Chinese Operation Research Society in 2009-, a Senior Expert of Chinese National Green GDP Accounting Project in 2004, Fellow of International Sustainable Energy Association (ISEA) in 2003-, Fellow of Chinese Environmental and Culture Society in 2003-, Fellow of Chinese Input-output Society in 2001-, Fellow of Chinese National Accounting Society in 2000-, Fellow of Chinese Energy Society in 2000-, Fellow of Chinese Regional Science Association in 1996- and a Member of Editorial Broad of Economy Science in 1994-.

Professional Experiences


Professor of Management Science & MIS, Guanghua School of Management


Visiting Professor of The University of Edinburgh


Visiting Professor,Graduated School of Energy Science, Kyoto University


Chair of Dep. of Management Science & Engineering, Guanghua School of Management


Professor of Donated Chair by Wang Kuancheng Fund of Hong Kong, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hong Kong Chinese University


Visiting Professor, Menlo College


Associate Professor of Donated Chair by KENSAI Power of Japan,Graduated School of Energy Science, Kyoto University


Visiting Scholar, Kellogg Management School, Northwestern University


Visiting Researcher, Department of Economics, Kyoto University


Associate Professor of Management Science & MIS, Guanghua School of Management


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Guanghua School of Management


Doctoral Candidate, Department of Applied Economics, Department of Automatic Control Engineering, HUST


1993 Ph.D. System Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology

1989 MA Economics Wuhan University

1986 BA Mathematics Wuhan University

Awards and Honors:


Outstanding Youth Award of Ministry of Education of China(2009)

National Distinguished Postdocs of China(2006)

2006 China Special Green Award: GDP Research Group (2006)

The First Prize of the Science Research of Peking University (2004)

The Third Prize of Ministry of Education of China(2002)

Environmental Award ofChinaInternational Cooperation Committee (CCICED) (2001)

The Second Prize of the Science Research of Beijing City (2000)

The Second Prize of the Science & Technology Progress of Hubei Province (1996)

The Ryoichi Sakawa Young Leaders Scholarship (1995)

The Second Prize of the Science & Technology Progress of Wuhan City (1995)


The Second Prize of Teaching of Chinese National Education Committee (2005)

The First Prize of Teaching of Beijing City (2004)

The First Prize of Teaching of Peking University (2004)

Research Interests:

Decision analysis

Regional sustainable development

Poverty alleviation

Green supply chain management

Environment management and environmental economics

Statistics and accounting of natural resources and environement

National accounting and statistics

Planning for technological development

Development management

Modeling and simulation

Development and application of computer and system analysis techniques of public


Academic Journals:

Carbon-weighted Economic Development Performance and Driving Force Analysis: Evidence from China, Energy Policy. 111(2017), pp.179-192. 2017.(withZihan Yin, Xiaowen Yu, Shijie Deng)

Refurbishing Authorization Strategy in the Secondary Market for Electrical and Electronic Products,International Journal of Production Economics.195(2018). pp.198-209. (with Liu, Huihui; Leong, G; Huang, Tao)

The impact of retailers’ alliance on manufacturer’s profit in a dual-channel structure, International Journal of Production Research. 2017.55(22), pp.6592-6607. (with Liu, Huihui; Sun Shuguang; Deng, Honghui; Leong, G)

Intermittent demand forecasting with fuzzy markov chain and multi aggregation prediction algorithm.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016.31(6), pp. 2911-2918.(with Li Shalang and Tan Qian)

An Analysis of Energy and Environment Efficiency of China’s Iron and Steel Industry.Front. Econ. China.2016.11(1): pp.123-141.(withZihan Yin)

A dual channel, quality-based price competition model for the WEEE recycling market with government subsidy,Omega, The International Journal of Management Science,2016,59(B),pp.290-302. (with Liu, Huihui; Deng, Honghui; Huang, Tao; Leong, G)

Demand information sharing and channel choice in a dual-channel supply chain with multiple retailers,International Journal of Production Research.52(22). pp.6792-6818. 2014. (with Liu, Huihui; Deng, Honghui; Huang, Tao; Leong, G)

Manufacturer’s uniform pricing and channel choice with a retail price markup commitment strategy,Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering.23(1). pp 111-126. 2014. (with Huihui Liu, Xiangdong Liu)

DEA analysis of FDI attractiveness for sustainable development: Evidence from Chinese provinces,Decision Support Systems.56(4). pp 406-418. 2013.(with Xinna Zhao, Honghui Deng, Keah-Choon Tan).(Cited in:Article: How to achieve a high efficiency level of the hotel industry?International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management11/2014; 26(8-8):2. DOI:10.1108/IJCHM-01-2013-0050)

A Study of the Joint Advertising Channels,Journal of Service Science and Management.2(4).pp.418-426. 2009. (with Sun, Shuguang,Dan Yang)

(Cited in:Article: Cooperative advertising models in supply chain management: A review,European Journal of Operational Research04/2014; 234(1):1–14.)

Incentive Model Design for Macro-economy Management System inChina,International Journal of Social Economics..23(10/11). pp.46-57. 1996.

Finding the Deregulated Prices by Multiperson Decision Making with Multiobjectives (M2D) Approach,Control Engineering Practice.1(6). pp 99–103.1993. (with Y.S. Rahimov, Feng Shan)

System Analysis & Incentive Model forEnterpriseContract Management Responsibility System (ECMRS),Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering. 4(1).pp.16-25.1994.(with F. Shan). Also see inEuropean Journal of Operation Research (Mathematical modeling of China's State-owned Enterprises' Contract System,European Journal of Operation Research,124. pp.235-242. 2000)

Integrated Input-Output Accounting Model for Power Company─Theoretical & Application Analysis,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.12(1).pp.1-12.2001. (Lead Article)

Trial Estimation of95’CSEEA and95’Green GDP ofChina,Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 53(2). pp.739-740. 2001.(Cited in:Article: Measuring Green Productivity Growth for China's Manufacturing Sectors: 1991...Asian Economic Journal01/2007; 21(4):425-451. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-838,etc.)

Strategies De Development Coordonne Entre Economie Et Environnement,Revue Generale de Strategie.26/27.pp.193-202.2006.

Study on Integrated Accounting for Natural Resources and Economy,Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering. 6(3). pp.257-262. 1997. (Lead Article)

Linkage Analysis of Energy-Natural Resources-Economy-Environmental,Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering. 7(3). pp.368-378.1998.

Integrated System of Economy-Environment Accounting ofChina(CSEEA)-System Design and Trial Estimation (1992).Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering. 10(3). pp.291-305. 2001.

Green Input-Output Accounting for Natural Resource-Energy-Economy-Environment,Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 54(2). pp.553-554. 2003.

China1990's Green GDP and Green Charges Accounting,Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 55(2). pp.489-490. 2005.

Regional Green Input-output Accounting Analysis,Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 56(2). pp. 538-542. 2007. (with Y.Gao)

Integrated Accounting of China’s Green GDP and Charges,The Empirical Economics Letters.6(6).pp.525-535.2007.

Regional Green Accounting of Water Resource in China,The Empirical Economics Letters.7(3).pp.312-323.2008.

A Decomposed Model of the Change Rate of Total Factor Productivity,Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies.6(3). pp.195-202.2010. (with Sun, Shuguang)

Chinese Green GDP and Green Charges Accounting in 1990s,China-USA Business Review. 6(3). pp.1-7.2007.(Lead Article)

ChinaGreen Input-output Accounting: Coal, Structure and Efficiency of Power Generation and Green House Gas Emission(1992- 2020),Canadian Social Science. 2(3). pp.1-15. 2006. (Lead Article)

Green Accounting ofChina: Comparison Analysis between 1992 and 1995,Canadian Social Science. 3(3). pp.1-10. 2007. (Lead Article)

Regional Green Input-output Accounting Analysis:Water Resource Accounting Analysis of Ningxia Province of China,Management Science and Engineering.1(1).pp.1-14. 2007. (Lead Article)

Input–output accounting for natural resources-energy-environment. InProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Input–output Techniques, New York, N.Y., 18–22 May 1998.(Citation in Article:Water resources management in Beijing using economic input-output modeling,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering08/2005; 32(4):753-764. DOI:10.1139/l05-031,etc.)

Finding the Deregulated Prices by Multi-person Decision-Making with Multi-objectives (M2D) Approach,Modeling and Control of National Economies 1992, pp.99-104, Pergamon Press Ltd. Oxford, UK. 1993. (with R. Yulduz S, F. Shan)

Input-output Accounting for Natural Resources-Economy- Environment,Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC).L. pp.115-120. Pergamon Press Ltd.,Oxford, UK.1999.

Indirect Control Model of China's Economic Management and Strategy Analysis,Developmental Strategies of Riverside Citie.pp.35-46. Huazhong Normal Press,Wuhan, China. 1991. (with F. Shan)

Optimal Uniform Pricing and Return Policies for Channel Strategies in E-commerce Age,Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE/SOLI 2008, v 1, p 1487-1492, 2008.(with Liu, Xiangdong)

Health, Social Status and Optimal Consumption-portfolio Choice,Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE/SOLI 2008, v 1, p 404-408, 2008. (with Sun, Shuguang and Zhou, Mingshan)

Manufacturer Uniform Pricing and Channel Choice in Random Demand.Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management.2015(withXiangdong Liu,Shalang Li, Xiangjin Li)

Study on Regional Protectionism and Trade Barrier of China, Journal of Peking University, G. No.227, No.1,2005. (in Chinese) (with J.B. Liu)

The Research of Employment Producing Capability of Industries,Statistical Research, No.1, 2004. (in Chinese) (with X.Q. Jing)

Compiling Regional Green Input-output Tables, Statistical Research, No.6, 2004. (in Chinese) (with Y.C. Hu)

Green GDP Accounting, Decision Science, No.5, 2004. (in Chinese)

Green Input-Output Accounting, Chinese Statistics, No.11, 2003. (in Chinese)

Altruism , Reciprocity and Trust. Economy Science. Vol.5, pp.79-92.2003. (in Chinese) (with J.J. Xia and L.W.Zhang)

Measurement of Green GDP. Review of Economy, Serial No.1509.Vol. 29.pp.14-24. 2001.(in Chinese)

Chinese Input-output Table of Natural Resources-Energy-Economy-Environment and Green Charges Analysis. Southeast Study. Serial No. 158, Vol. 4, pp.64-74. 2001.(in Chinese)

Study on Green Input-output Accounting of Enterprise. Statistical Research. Vol.2, pp.44-51. 2001.(in Chinese)

Regional Green Input-Output Accounting, Statistical Research,No.5, pp.49-60, 2000. (in Chinese)

Enterprise Green Input-Output Accounting, Economic Science,No.6, pp.76-86, 1999. (in Chinese)

Resources-Economy Input-Output Accounting-”Green” Aggregate Index Accounting, Quantitative & Technical Economics, Vol.15, No.5, 1998. (in Chinese)

An Application of Resource-Economy-Environment Input-output Accounting, Quantitative and Technical Economics, Vol.15, No.11. 1998. (in Chinese)

Integrated Accounting Between Economy and Natural Resources-On 93'SNA and SEEA, Journal of Natural Resources. Vol.13, No.2, 1998. (in Chinese)

Green GDP Accounting, Journal of the Natural Resources. Vol.13,No.4.1998. (in Chinese)

Study on Integrated Accounting between Economy and Natural Resources (III)-Input -Occupancy-Output, Systems Engineering -Theory & Practice. Vol.18, No.1, 1998. (in Chinese)

Study on Integrated Accounting between Economy and Natural Resources (VI)-Applied Analysis, Systems Engineering -Theory & Practice. Vol.XVIII. No.10.1998. (in Chinese) Technical Progress, Management Efficiency and the Decision of Enterprises Product-vity, Economy Science, No.4. 1997. (in Chinese)

Technological Progress & Economic Efficiency Embodied Management Decision Support System of Wuhan (WTEDSS), Systems EngineeringTheory & Practice, Vol. XVII. No.4, 1997. (in Chinese)

Accounting of Resource--Economic Input and Output-Further Research on the Basis of Stock Accounting Consideration, Economy Science, No.6, 1996. (in Chinese)

Input-Output Accounting for Natural Resources & Economy-Tabling, Modeling and Application Analysis, Economy Science, No.1,1996. (in Chinese)

Study on Integrated Accounting between Economy and Natural Resources (I), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XVI. No.9, 1996. (in Chinese)

Study on Integrated Accounting between Economy and Natural Resources (II)-Index Formation, Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XVI. No.10.1996. (in Chinese)

Measurement on the Change Rate of Total Factor Productivity (TFP), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XVI. No.4, 1996. (in Chinese)

Structuring Market-oriented Macroeconomic Adjustment and Control Model, Economy Science, No.4, 1995. (in Chinese)

Incentive Model Design and Strategy Analysis for State—Owned Enterprises (I), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XIV. No.4, 1994. (in Chinese)

Incentive Model Design and Strategy Analysis for State—Owned Enterprises (II), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XIV. No.5, 1994. (in Chinese)

Appraisal Model of Technological Progress Based on Input-Output Analysis (IOA), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Vol.XIII. No.6, 1993. (in Chinese)

Innovation & Development-Economic Analysis of Technical Progress, Special Zone Science & Technology, No.1, 1993. (in Chinese)



Green GDP Estimates in China, Indonesia, and Japan: An Application of the UN Environmental and Economic Accounting System, Chapter 6: SEEA & Green GDP for China, pp.87-103, UNU Press, Tokyo. 2000. (with Xing)

China’s Sustainable Development Framework, Chapter 3: The Estimate of the China's Green GDP in 1992, pp.27-35, UNU Press, Tokyo, 1999. (with Nakamura, Xing)

Green Accounting of China (1992-2002), Peking University Press, Beijing, China. 2010. (in Chinese)

Integrated Analysis of China's Natural Resources-Economy-Environment (1992-2002), Peking University Press, Beijing, China. 2011. (in Chinese)

Green Input-Output Accounting-Theoretical & Application, Peking University Press, Beijing, China. 2000. (in Chinese)

Green Accounting for Sustainable Development-Integrated Accounting of Natural Resources-Economy-Environment .Chinese Geography Press, Beijing, China. 1999. (in Chinese)

Theory and Application of Sampling, Peking University Press, Beijing, China. 2000. (in Chinese) (with J, Hu)

Chinese Environment and Sustainable Development, Chapter 9: Integrated Accounting for Chinese Environment and Economy. Pp.232-280. Economy Science Press. Beijing. 2004. (in Chinese)

Environmental Management & Policy, Chapter 8: Analysis of Chinese Sustainable Development. Pp.86-102. Economy Science Press. Beijing. 2003. (in Chinese)

Social Statistics, Chapter 3: Environmental Statistics, Chinese Statistics Press of China, Beijing, 1998.9. (in Chinese)

Pricing of Chinese Natural Resources, Chapter 8: A Study on Integrated Accounting for Natural Resources and Economy, Chinese Environmental Science Press, Beijing, 1997.12. (in Chinese)

Economic System Analysis, Chapter 9: System Analysis of Competition, Social Science Literature Press, Beijing, 1997.6. (in Chinese) (with L.Chen)

Edited Volumes:

Paper Presented at International Conferences:

Green GDP Estimation and Green Charges Analysis–A Case Study of China, The 1st International Symposium on Sustainable Energy System (ISSES), Kyoto, Japan, March 11-15, 2003.

Study on China’s Sustainable Development-Integrated Input-output Analysis and Green GDP Estimate for China. The 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Aug. 1-10. CA. USA. 2002.

Sustainable Development Evaluation and Policy Choice, International Symposium of Sustainable Economy and Society in East Asia, Sept. 26-30, 2002, Sapporo, Japan.

Study on China’s Sustainable Development-Integrated Input-output Analysis and Green Charges for China, The 14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 10-16, 2002.

Linkage between Natural Resources-Primary Energy-Power Generation-Economy-Environment, The 2001 Econometric Society Australasian Meetings (ESAM 2001), 6-8 July, 2001, Auckland, New Zealand.

Integrated Input-output Accounting for Natural Resources-Energy-Economy-Environment,13th International Conference of Input-Output Techniques,Aug.21-25, Macerata, Italy. 2000.

Integrated System of Economy-Environment Accounting of China (CSEEA)-System Design and Trial Estimation (1992), World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development, Aug.1-7, Canada,2000.

Accounting for Green Charges & Green GDP of China—Based on Green Input-Output Models. 2000’ Workshop of the Working Group of Environmental Economics of ICCED. July 23-29. Xining, China.

Input-output Accounting for Natural Resources-Economy-Environment, 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), July 5-7, 1999, Beijing, P.R.China.

Analysis of Chinese Energy-Natural Resources-Economy-Environment, The 15th Triennial Conference of International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Aug.25-30, 1999, Beijing, P.R.China.

Measurement on the Change Rate of Total Factor Productivity (TFP), The 15th Triennial Conference of International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Aug.25-30, 1999, Beijing, P.R.China.

Accounting for Green GDP, IGES/UNU International Conference of Sustainable Future of the Global System, Feb.20-27, 1999. Tokyo, Japan.

CSEEA & Estimation of Chinese Green GDP, 4tthInternational Conference of Chinese Sustainable Development,UNU/ISA,July 7-9, 1999, Beijing, P.R. China.

Study on Integrated Accounting between Natural Resources and Economy, Boston Conference of International Atlantic Economic Society, Oct.8-11, 1998, Boston, U.S.A. (with T. Miyazawa)

Integrate Accounting of Natural Resources-Energy-Economy-Environment, Annual Meeting of Pan Pacific International Input-Output Society, Nov..3-7, 1998, Tokyo, Japan. (with T. Tezuka)

Analysis of CO2 and SO2 Emission Based on Modified Input-Output Table of China, JST/ CREST International Workshop on the Technology Strategy 98, Feb.2-3, 1998. Tokyo, Japan. (with T. Tezuka and H.Yoshikawa)

Incentive Model Designed for Macro economy Management System of China, VIIth World Congress of Social Economics. Aug. 3-7, 1994. Verona, Italy.

Study on Chinese Green GDP, 2tthInternational Conference of Chinese Sustainable Development, UNU/ISA, April 27-May 2, 1998, Beijing, P.R.China.

Linkage Analysis of Natural Resources-Energy-Environment, OPENING SPECIAL LECTURE, Jun. 24, 1998. (芝阑会馆), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Decision Support System WTEDSS, XLth International Conference of Applied Econometrics Association (AEA), Mar.24-25, 1994, Osaka, Japan.

Evaluation of Chinese Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2003, Atlanta, USA, 2003.

Integrated Input-output Accounting and Green Charges for China. Proceedings of International Conference of Forest Accounting, Beijing.2001.

Integrated Input-Output Analysis of Energy-Natural Resources-Economy-Environmental. Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Computation in Economic. Tianjing, China.2001.

Input-output Accounting for Natural Resources-Economy-Environment, Proceeding of the 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC), Vol. L, pp.115-120. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, UK, 1999.

Finding the Deregulated Prices by Multi-person Decision-Making with Multi-objectives (M2D) Approach, Modeling and Control of National Economies 1992, pp.99-104, Pergamon Press Ltd. Oxford, UK, 1993. (with R. Yulduz S, F. Shan,)

Application of Green Input-output Accounting (I), Theory & Practice of Input-output in China, pp.380-388, Chinese Statistics Press of China, Beijing, 2005.6. (in Chinese)

Application of Green Input-output Accounting (II), Theory & Practice of Input-output in China, pp.388-401, Chinese Statistics Press of China, Beijing, 2005.6. (in Chinese)

Study on Regional Green Accounting, Proceeding of International Workshop on Greening China National Account System, pp.139-153, China Environmental Science Press, Beijing, 2004.12. (in Chinese)

Green GDP, Review of Chinese Environment and Development, Vol.1, pp.297-308, Social Science Literature Press, Beijing, 2001. (in Chinese)

Chinese Integrated Accounting of Environment & Economy, Chinese Sustainable Develop-mentin 21th Century, pp. 38-61, Chinese Economic Press, Beijing, 1999. (in Chinese)

Environmental Accounting & Pricing, Systems Engineering and Market Economy, Science & Technology Literature Press, Beijing, 1996.10. (in Chinese)

Restudy on Input--Output Model of Technological Progress Appraisal, Complexity Giant Systems----Theory, Methods, Application, Science & Technology Literature Press, Beijing, 1994.10. (in Chinese)

China 1990's Green GDP and Green Charges Accounting, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol.55, 2005.

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