XU Yang:
Associate Professor
Email: yang.xu@pku.edu.cn
2007.09-2010.09, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), Ph.D.
2004.09-2007.07, Peking University, M.A.
2000.09-2004.07, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, B.A.
Professional Experiences:
2013.07-present, Peking University, Associate Professor
2013.06-2013.09, Tsukuba University (Japan), Visiting Professor
2011.02-2013.07, Peking University, Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Industrial Engineering
Knowledge Management
Computer Science
Operational Research
Selected Publications:
(Selected Journal Article indexed by SCI/SSCI)
1. Xu Y, Bernard A, Perry N, Xu J. Sugimoto S. 2014. Knowledge evaluation in product lifecycle design and support.Knowledge-Based Systems 70, 256-267.
2. Zhang YC, Xu Y, Bernard A. 2014.A new decision support method for the selection of RP process - knowledge value measuring.International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27(8): 747-758.
3. Xu Y and Bernard A. 2013.A quantitative model on knowledge management for team cooperation.Knowledge-Based Systems45: 41-46.
4. Xu Y and Bernard A. 2011.Quantifying the value of knowledge within the context of product development.Knowledge-Based Systems24(1):166-175.
5. Xu Y and Bernard A. 2010. Knowledge value chain: an effective tool to measure knowledge value.International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 23(11): 957-967.
6. Xu Y and Bernard A. 2010.Measurement of enterprise knowledge by state characterization.Expert Systems27(5): 374-387.
7. Bernard A and Xu Y. 2009.An integrated knowledge reference system for product development.CIRP Annals58 (1): 119-122.
8. Xu Y and Bernard A. 2009. Knowledge organization through statistical computation: A new approach.Knowledge Organization36(4): 227-239.