Research Professor
Director, Centre for Maritime Strategy Studies of Peking University
Director, South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI)
Phone: +86-10-62765385
Email: hupoo@pku.edu.cn
Research Interests:
Maritime Strategy and Policy
International Security
Chinese Diplomacy
Ph.D. School of International Studies, Peking University.
China’s Maritime Power in 2049 (Beijing, China Development Press, 2015)
China’s Sea Power in the Post Mahan Era (Beijing, Ocean Press, 2018)
Chinese Maritime Power in the 21st Century ( Routledge, 2019)
“No One Lost the South China Sea (And No One Will Win)”,The National Interest, Aug 20, 2018;
“What's Behind US Military Moves in the South China Sea”, The diplomat, April 1, 2016;
“How Should China Change Its Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula”, China US Focus, September, 2016;
“Richard D.Fisher Jr, China’s Military Modernization: Building for Regional and Global Reach”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, June 2010;