On Sept 12th 2019, the latest monography of Director Hu Bo, Center for Maritime Strategy Studies, PKU, Chinese Maritime Power in the 21st Century, was published in New York and London by Routledge, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The book analyses China’s maritime strategy for the 21st century, integrating strategic planning, policy thinking and strategic prediction.
It explains the construction and application of China's military, political, economic and diplomatic means for building maritime power, and predicts the future of China's maritime power by 2049, as well as development trends in global maritime politics. It explores both the strengths and the limitations of President Xi’s ‘Maritime Dream’ and provides a candid assessment of the likely future balance at sea between China and the United States. This volume explains and discusses China’s claims and intentions in the East and South China Seas and makes some recommendations for China's future policy that will lessen the chance of conflict with the United States and its closer neighbors.
This book has received considerable attention from the academic circle of international maritime strategy studies, and was highly regarded by the anonymous reviewers through its publication. Additionally, it is honorably included in the Series: Naval Policy and History, edited by Prof Geoffrey Till, who also prefaced the book himself.
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