Speaker: Lyle J. Goldstein
US Naval War College
Host:Hu Bo
Discussants:Zha Daojiong, Wang Dong
Time:Sep 14, 15:00-17:00
Location:Peking University Teaching Building No. 2, Room 211
Unfortunately, substantial tensions continue to plague US-China relations. Cultural, ideological, and geopolitical factors make cooperation between Washington and Beijing difficult in present circumstances. Analysis of leading US and Chinese foreign policy sources suggests that these tensions are substantially increasing and that these rifts are particularly acute in the maritime domain. However, wise voices on both sides of the Pacific have articulated the imperative to reverse these growing tensions and seek for cooperative frameworks. Social science research yields that cooperation between rival powers is difficult, but not impossible and that “tit-for-tat” reciprocal accommodation or "cooperation spirals" could be a viable solution. This lecture will discuss the possibilities for such cooperation spirals to ease tensions in many areas of US-China relations, especially within the maritime domain. The all-important and extremely delicate North Korea issue will also be probed in some depth to further develop US-China synergies.

Lyle J. Goldstein
Lyle J. Goldstein is Research Professor in the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) at US Naval War College. He was the founding director of CMSI and was awarded the Superior Civilian Service Medal in 2012 for that contribution. He is the author of dozens of articles and monographs on Chinese security policy, including most recently an overall assessment of the US-China naval balance that was published in the December 2017 issue of China Quarterly. On the broader subject of US-China relations, Goldstein published the book Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry in 2015 through Georgetown University Press. That book covered all aspects of US-China relations, from Taiwan and the South China Sea to the Middle East, Africa and climate change too. Over the last several years, Goldstein has focused on the North Korea Crisis, leading the 2018 NWC "Sense of the Faculty" effort and presenting at the Harvard Korea Working Group, as well as the US State Department among other venues recently. Goldstein speaks Russian as well as Chinese and he has been significantly involved in the recent setup of the new Russia Maritime Studies Institute (RMSI) at NWC. Goldstein has also written about the on-going crises in Ukraine and Syria. While focusing primarily on the North Korea nuclear issue at present, he is also currently conducting research for a book length treatment on the new trajectory of Russia-China relations. He has an MA from Johns Hopkins SAIS and his PhD is from Princeton. Goldstein is a frequent contributor to on-line magazine The National Interest and his latest writings on both China and Russia can be found at https://nationalinterest.org/profile/lyle-j-goldstein.