On April 16, 2024, the Director of Centre for Maritime Strategy Studies of Peking University, Hu Bo gave a lecture for the delegation of Comparative Study Research (CSR) held by Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College at Peking University in Beijing. The delegation of Comparative Study Research (CSR) includes officials and scholars from Malaysia, South Korea, Pakistan and Singapore, led by Brig Jen Zamsari bin Abu Hasan, the Commandant of Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College and MAFSC Staff Officers and First Admiral Zahid Abd Aziz, Defence Attache of Embassy of Malaysia, Beijing.

At the beginning, Dr. Tharishini Krishnan, Head of Department, Strategic and Defence Studies, National Defence University Malaysia expressed her welcome to Director Hu Bo and introduced the basic information of lecture.
Then, Director Hu Bo gave a lecture on “China’s Southeast Asian Security Strategy and Security Cooperation with ASEAN”. The lecture is mainly about the importance of Southeast Asia to China’s peripheral security, China’s security strategies and policies towards ASEAN, China’s security cooperation with ASEAN and future opportunities and challenges.

Finally, the representatives of delegation expressed their gratitude to Director Hu Bo for offering this lecture and gave mementos.