On May 20, 2015, the Belt and Road Research Methodology Conference was successfully held at the Quadrangle Courtyard Meeting Room of Peking University School of Law.
Professor Zhang Dongxiao made a brief introduction to the development of Peking University Institute of Ocean Research. He said that the establishment of One Belt One Road Research Center was intended to provide intellectual support for the state strategy and promote the development of interdisciplinary research at Peking University.

Professor Zhang Dongxiao
Professor Li Ming proposed that the research on Belt and Road initiative was still inadequate. Taking international law for example, One Belt and Road research has close relationship with international law. However, in many fields such as freedom of navigation, protection of trade and investment, protection of labors and human rights, protection of international intellectual property, the fundamental problems were still unresolved and the methodology was still unclear.
Professor Shen Tiyan from the School of Government mentioned that there was the coexistence of great difference and closeness among the countries and regions along the Marine Silk Road. Therefore the researchers should conduct a new geographical discovery.

Left: Li Ming, Wang Jimin; Right: Bao Maohong, Shen Tiyan

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